Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)
Established Technical Hochschule 1876, Hochschule 1971
Type Public university
President Ralph Stengler
Admin. staff 815 (2010)
Students 11,380 (2010)
Location Darmstadt, Germany
Website http://www.h-da.de/

The Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, (in German: Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)) in Darmstadt, Germany, plays a significant role among German Universities of Applied Sciences. It is internationally known for its outstanding achievements in the areas of engineering and computer science. Also, the selection criteria for this university are the toughest among the universities of applied sciences in Germany. The University has the highest number of industrial linkage programs, compared to the rest of the universities of applied sciences.



The roots of University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt goes back to1876[1] along with Technische Universität Darmstadt(the first electrical engineering chair and inventions fame), when both these Universities were an integrated entities, a need for a separate industry based research educational institution was felt in early 1930s, finally University of Applied sciences emerged as a separate industry based research educational institution in 1971 and is the largest University of Applied Sciences in Hesse (German: Hessen) with about 11,000 students.

Outcomes and Revolution in education system of Germany

In 1971 when Hochschule Darmstadt, was established, other regions of the Hesse,also felt the need of such industry based educational institutions [2].In later years a heavy number of Hochschule were established all across Germany.As a result of this,today the German industry's engineering workforce is propelled by students of the Hochschule.


The Main campus of the Hochschule Darmstadt lies at the Haardtring office, but, the campus is evenly distributed all across the city of Darmstadt at different locations.A cluster of Old and Modern university buildings are visible across the city of Darmstadt.


Admission Procedure into Engineering Disciplines

The competition amongst the foreign as well as EU nationals for admission into Hochschule Darmstadt is quite high. There are a number of alternative admission criterion available for the students.The perspective students have to match any of the following criterion

The above are true only in case of certain programs and is not a generic requirement.

University of Applied Sciences Ranking

Hochschule Darmstadt is a reputed institute and it has consistently ranked high on the DAAD rankings list closely rivaled by Hochschule Karlsruhe. Maintaining its reputation in the specializations of Microelectronics and Robotics, Hochschule Darmstadt has contributed to some of the major industrial developments in Germany, including REIS, Mitsubishi Robot modules.

Overall Ranking in Germany and Europe

Hochschule Darmstadt stands on number 3 [3]after:(1.) Technische Universität München and (2.)Technische Universität Darmstadt.Regarded as the top 30 institutes to study at the EU.

Overall World Ranking

year World Rank:University
1973 236
1974 201
1988 297
1990 286
1996 361
1999 303
2000 289
2004 208
2006 146
2007 -NA-
year World Rank:Technical schools
1973 236
1974 90
1988 152
1990 136
1996 61
1999 303
2000 -NA-
2004 164
2006 79
2007 -NA-


Incorporated close ties with

Industrial Linkages

International Presence

h_da boasts international exchange students drawn from more than 100 institutions abroad and is a leading producer of talent for high-tech firms.

Prominent Partner Institutes

Notable Research Projects in Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Projekte im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

   * IP-Qualität
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Gerdes
   * Entwicklung von mikroprozessorgesteuerten Regelschaltungen für organische Leuchtdioden
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Gerdes
   * Multiprozessorsystem zur massiv-parallelen digitalen Echtzeitkorrelation
     von optischen Messdaten auf Basis von STERA SPARTAN FPGAs
     Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hoppe
     Prof. Dr. Hermann Meuth
   * Integrierte CMOS Bildsensorik
     Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hoppe
   * JAVA Virtual Machine ASIC mit on-chip Multi Media Hardware
     Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hoppe
   * Sensorennetzwerk aus bildgebenden Sensoren mit kinematischen Feiheitsgraden (proof of concept)
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Kleinmann
   * Messsystem zur Ermittlung der Artefaktempfindlichkeit von Elektroden zur Ableitung elektrophysiologischer Signale bei mechnanischen Störungen
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Peter Koch
   * Netztraining im liberalisierten Strommarkt
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Metz
   * Netztraining und effizienter Netzbetrieb
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Metz
   * Integrierte Funktionsgeneratoren für die digitale Synthese
     von hoch präzisen periodischen Signalen
     Prof. Dr. Hermann Meuth
   * Piezomotor-Ansteuerung für Avionik, Bionik und Robotik
     Prof. Dr. Hermann Meuth
   * Erprobung der Regelungsstruktur
     Prof. Dr. Hermann Meuth
   * Entwicklung eines MAXIMUMWÄCHTERS auf PC/SPS
     Prof. Dr. August Reiner
   * 2MN-Module für die multimediale netzbasierte HochschullehreELAT (ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING)
     Prof. Dr. Horst Röder
   * Adaptives Regelungsverfahren für Robotergelenke mit
     nichtsteifem Getriebe
     Prof. Dr. Klaus Schaefer, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weber
     Prof. Dr. Dietrich Weber (M), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wiese
   * Brennstoffzelle als Energieversorgung für
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Schmidt-Walter
   * Rekonfigurierbares digitales Filter für Audio/Videosignalverarbeitung
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schumann
   * Ermittlung von Winkelgeschwindigkeiten
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * PPI-Kaskade-Antriebsregler
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * MinZy: Minimierung der Zykluszeit für
     modellbasierte Roboterregelungen
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * Reis-Steuerung RS 5
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * Erprobung der Regelungsstruktur
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * RoboGet: Adaptives Regelungsverfahren für Robotergelenke mit nichtsteifem Getriebe
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * Abtriebsregelung
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * ReDuS+ Anwenderorientierter Entwurf abtriebsseitiger Gelenkregelungen
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weber
   * Hochdynamische, bidlgestützte Regelung von Industrierobotern für die Nahtverfolgung an flexiblen Objekten (HYBRINO)
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
   * Hochfrequenzbeatmung von Frühgeborenen
     Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wiese



See also

External links
